.PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: BAD FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT Many people are aware that lindane can cause severe health problems to it's users. Most, however, are not aware that lindane is bad for our environment.
When lindane is used to treat lice, it is washed down the drain after use. For homes with septic systems, it may end up in the leach fields, run off areas or seep into the water systems. For homes connected to sewers, it travels through underground pipes to wastewater treatment plants, which are normally not very effective at removing lindane. In many cases, it passes through the treatment plants to an ocean, river or lake, depending on where the plant is located. In some places, the treated water is reused directly in industry, for watering of parks and golf courses, or to recharge supplies of groundwater that eventually will be used for drinking water.
When lindane is present in wastewater leaving a treatment plant, it pollutes the water body receiving this water. To prevent this pollution, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state environmental agencies have set limits on the amount of lindane that can leave wastewater treatment plants. These limits are very small; only 19 parts per trillion when the water will be reused. If the water will not be reused, the limit is 63 parts per trillion.
A part per trillion is an extremely small amount, yet lindane is dangerous even at these levels. This is another reason why Lice B Gone, a safe and effective alternative, should be used instead of this dangerous chemical. Lice B Gone is safe, biodegradable, non-polluting and environmentally friendly.
There are several anti-pesticide environmental groups and organizations, a few of which are listed below. Please join one or more of these worthwhile organizations to become more knowledgeable about the dangers of pesticides.
National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides (NCAMP) 202-543-5450 Fax 4791
701 E Street SE. Suite 200, Washington, DC 20003
BioIntegral Research Center (BIRC) 510-524-2567 Fax 1758
PO Box 7414, Berkeley, CA 94707
Pesticide Education Center (PEC) 415-391-8511 Fax 9159
PO Box 420870, San Francisco, CA l94142
Children's Health Environmental Coalition (CHEC) 213-656-8715
PO Box 846, Malibu, CA 90265
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP) 541-344-5044 Fax 6923
PO Box 1393, Eugene, OR 97440
Pesticide Action Network-North America (PANNA) 415-981-1771 Fax 1991
49 Powell Street, #500, San Francisco, CA 94102
Safer Pest Control Project (SPCP) 312-641-5575 Fax 5454
25 E. Washington Street, Suite 1515, Chicago, IL 60602
Mothers and Others For a Livable Planet/The Green Guide 212-242-0010 Fax 0545
40 West 20th Street, NY, NY 10011-4211
Rachel Carson Council, Inc. (RCC) 301-652-1877
8940 Jones Mill Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815NOTE: If your group or organization shares our "anti-pesticide philosophy", please contact us so we can list you as well.
Belleville, Illinois